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Adding HPC cluster nodes / Rocket cluster account

Rocket is a heterogeneous HPC cluster that currently consists of about 175 compute nodes, featuring almost 7000 cores, a bit over 40 terabytes of memory and 40 GPUs, interconnected by high-speed low-latency InfiniBand networking. The cluster also utilizes two General Parallel File systems, which in sum total provide almost 10 petabytes of usable storage space.

  • To order a Rocket cluster account select HPC category in the Marketplace.
  • Choose the Rocket (UT HPC) from the HPC resources list.
  • Once filled and validated Allocation name and Allocation description fields, click on Create to proceed to provision.
  • Please review the request and if everything is correct, click - Yes for the confirmation.
  • To finish ordering the account, please follow the same steps as in Adding a Virtual Desktop starting with step 5 under 2. Ordering The Virtual Desktop Service. The resource (Rocket) order has to be approved by the Organization Owner. You can find the guide for Organization Owner Approving a Service Order in the same section.
  • To access Rocket first, please ensure that you have SSH key available in your account.
  • Go to your Account and choose FreeIPA account under Credentials section and click create.


Please note, the user should be a member of the project that is using the required resource.


Please note, synchronization may take up to five minutes.