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Adding a Cloud and Virtual Machine

ETAIS self-service project setup need to have at least one Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) resource package enabled before any Virtual Machines can be created. Therefore Virtual Machine (VM) configuration is consist of two steps:
1. Adding a Virtual Private Cloud
2. Adding a Virtual Machine

1. Adding a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)

  • Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) resource package can be added by clicking on Marketplace and selecting Private Clouds from the menu to go to the list of VPC.


There are several Virtual Private Cloud providers available on the Marketplace. You need to provision at least one VPC package from a suitable provider in order to be able to create virtual machines.

  • Please select the project you would like to create your Virtual Private Cloud in. Here it is possible to create a new project if you forgot to create it in advance.

  • Currently, there are three VPC component names listed under the plan: Cores, Ram, and Storage. For the configuration of a VPC resource, please fill in a suitable quantity for each component. Here by changing the quantities of components, you can see Prices accordingly, per month, per year, and finally, the total price of the VPC.

  • It is mandatory to input Tenant name to order a VPC.

  • We also strongly suggest filling in the Tenant description field and, lastly, click on the Create button.

The approval of the configuration

a) If your role in the Project is Project Manager or System Administrator, please ask your ETAIS Organization Owner to approve the order.

b) If your role is Organization Owner you are able to complete the purchase to final approval (click the Create button). Hereafter the system will need a couple of minutes to execute the order. Once the system changes the state to OK, your VPC is ready to use.


The provisioned VPC resource package will be automatically enabled for the project as a VM provider. For other projects, it can be enabled by the organization owner under Provider management within organization workspace.

2. Adding a Virtual Machine (VM)


Projects need to have at least one VPC resource package enabled before any virtual machines can be created. You can follow this guide to add a new VPC.

  • VMs can be added by clicking to ’Marketplace’ and selecting Virtual machines from the menu to go to the list of Virtual Machines.
  • Ordering a Virtual Machine requires a VM name and selection of a VM image.
  • Please select the Image for a VM and click on the Select button, returning to the form.
  • Selecting the initial VM resource profile, the flavor, by clicking on the Flavor: Show choices selector is mandatory.
  • The selected flavor determines the initial resource profile for a VM, specifying the amount of RAM, vCPU cores, and storage allocated. For detailed information on the available flavors and their specifications, please refer to the following documentation: Flavor Details.


We have currently limited GPU resource available for Virtual Machines, therefore please check the GPU availability with HPC support:


VM images contain their minimum requirements information, and non-matching VM flavors are disabled automatically.

  • Selecting VM flavor will also update System volume size with the option to override it manually (to a higher custom value). The size of Data Volume can be customized and incremented in 1 GB steps. System volume must be at least 10 GB, whereas System volume and Data volume must be equal to or less than VPC’s total Storage.

  • By default, provisioned virtual machines expect users to log in using SSH keys. The initial SSH key for login should be selected by clicking on the SSH public key: Show choices selector.


There has to be at least one SSH public key added to the user profile for it to appear in the SSH key selector list.


In order to log in to your newly created VM over SSH, you need to use a username depending on your choice of VM Image type and your SSH-RSA key-pair. By default password authentication is disabled.

  • Default usernames for login are as follows:

    • CentOS images: CentOS
    • Ubuntu images: Ubuntu
    • Debian images: Debian
    • FreeBSD images: FreeBSD
  • While selecting System volume type it should be taken into consideration that prod2 is for production, whereas scratch is for testing purposes only.


For production prod2 is recommended because technology used by scratch is not under official support.

Security Groups

  • By default, no incoming connections will be allowed for a VM. Predefined Security Groups (firewall rules) must be linked to a VM in order to open up access (like ssh, HTTP, etc.). By clicking the Details button, you can see the details about the available Security Groups. Security Groups can be added while ordering the VM or afterward by editing.


VM create form will automatically include a default security group that enables egress (outgoing) traffic for a VM and which is required in order to reply to any of the incoming packets.

  • The list of Security Groups are as follows:

    • Allow-all: Security group for all access. Since it will be removed soon, not recommended to use.
    • Default: Default security group. Egress, outbound traffic.
    • PING: Security group for ping. Allow ICMP.
    • RDP: Security group for removing desktop access. Allow TCP 3389.
    • SSH: Security group for secure shell access. Allow TCP 22.
    • WEB: Security group for HTTP and HTTPS access. Allow TCP 443 and 80.
  • VM needs to be connected to at least one of the VPC (internal) networks and an external network via floating IP - if external/public access to VM is required.


Floating IP is technically realized as 1:1 NAT between VM internal IP and public network IP.

  • We strongly suggest also adding VM description. In order to provision the VM, please click on the Add to cart button.


On the right pane, there will be a Checkout summary with the purchase overview and indicative VM cost (as part of the VPC package cost).

  • VM should reach into Active status when successfully provisioned. The Access field will show the IP address to access VM over SSH (Linux) or over RDP (Windows).


VM access over SSH or RDP should be permitted by Security Groups linked to VM.


OpenStack VPC VM-s will have an additional 64 MB virtual hard disk attached to VM, which functions as a cloud-init configuration drive (not supported by self-service yet, only user-data support at the moment).