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Open Ondemand

Open Ondemand(official page) is a portal for single point of access to an HPC cluster. It can be used to view your files, submit jobs and much more


There are two ways to gain access:

  1. University of Tartu login - this can be used with University of Tartu Rocket cluster account.

  2. ETAIS login - available for ETAIS users.

Authenticating Requirements

Regardless of the way of authentication it is neccesary to have these three things:

  • An active HPC allocation
  • Have logged in to the cluster via SSH at least once to create a home directory. This can be done in the ondemand portal as well.
  • Only for ETAIS login: An ETAIS account with a freeIPA user


You are currently unable to log out from the authenticated session. If you want to log out after finishing working, then it's best to clear your cookies afterwards or use an incognito mode.

Basic usage

The site can be found at . Upon logging in you will be greeted with the dashboard. This is currently very basic but there will be more functionality in the future

Submitting jobs

The job composer allows you to generate and run job scripts. You can either create your job from scratch or use some of our predetermined templates. Those can be found in the templates tab.


Ondemand has no way of knowing your allocations currently. You will need to find them from your HPC allocation info in ETAIS and apply it yourself. You can put the allocation in the job script or insert it under the job options button.

The file navigator gives you the same access permissions as your Unix user on the cluster. You can freely navigate your home directory and the /gpfs/space/projects project directories, as long as you have permissions.

Interactive terminal

At the top of the screen, you can use Clusters > rocket shell access to open a terminal inside of the browser. This allows you to have an interactive view of the cluster if needed. The shell gets opened in and is equivalent to using your own terminal to SSH in there.