Skip to content is a small service meant to facilitate data transfer in and out of UTHPC storage spaces, mainly for clients outside of the University of Tartu.


SFTP accounts are throwaways and usually have a lifespan of 30 days for completing data transfers. These accounts aren't affiliated with any UT central authentication credentials. The data is be also cleaned around 30 days after the expiration of the SFTP account.

You are…

Fellow not affiliated with the University of Tartu and you have SFTP credentials to upload/download data

Connect to over the SFTP protocol. A handy guide giving an overview of the methods available for file transfers is available under Cluster File Transfer .


The guide refers to which is main UTHPC gateway. Make sure you are connecting to

Fellow in the University of Tartu (and use UTHPC services) who wants to share data with colleagues outside of UT

To request an SFTP account for data sharing, please contact . If you would like the username to be a bit more user-friendly, feel free to include one. Otherwise, the username is generate automatically. You receive credentials by secure channel, most likely through .


If you have multiple clients and/or share data with the same fellows outside of the University of Tartu regularly, contact for a custom solution.

Fellow in the University of Tartu (and use UTHPC services) and would now like to access or upload data to the temporary SFTP account

While the actual data does reside in one of the UTHPC filesystems, the SFTP users are privilege separated from regular cluster users. If you have little amounts of data, you can open a SFTP connection from to using the credentials you provided to your colleague.
However, if your data quantities are larger then 5 TB, contacting with a request to copy the data is going to be faster and easier. Please also provide a ’source/destination’ path for the files and any ’owner/group’ changes if necessary.